UN in Indonesia Newsletter September 2021

The climate crisis and the pandemic are of such magnitude that they can feel paralysing; diminish our sense of agency. However, it also presents the choice to define the lives the future generation can lead. As we are at an inflection point, it is time to ask and choose: perpetual crisis or a better, more sustainable, peaceful future for people and planet?
The recent launches of the UN-Indonesia Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2021–2025 and the Secretary-General's Our Common Agenda report this month comes at a critical juncture, as both documents look ahead to the future of the UN. They show us where we need to go to realise our common aspirations, the Sustainable Development Goals, and are underscored by the principle at the heart of the UN, our pledge to leave no one behind.
Our 12th newsletter gives a snapshot of the various ways in which the UN in Indonesia is working with the government and partners to ensure no one is left behind. Download your copy now, available in English and Bahasa Indonesia.