UN in Indonesia 2022 Result Now Available in e-Report Format

No less than 11 million new scholarships distributed, 800 Metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent effectively avoided and continued decrease of the number of stunted children - these are just some of the achievements of the UN-the Government of Indonesia cooperation last year. The results are summarized in the UN in Indonesia Annual Results Report 2022, which has just been published in e-Report format. While the full report targets principally government stakeholders, the succinct e-Report recaps the outcomes for a broader and more diverse audience.
The report highlights development outcomes in 2022, a year when the country was still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic while simultaneously addressing the food, energy, and financial crises stemming from the war in Ukraine. Throughout this challenging context, the UN remained dedicated to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), hand in hand with the Government of Indonesia and our development partners, whose support and efforts are recognized in the report.
Complementing the narrative summaries of results in 4 outcome areas, from fostering inclusive human development to climate adaptation and innovation, the e-Report also presents 29 impact stories that breathe life into the statistics, offering tangible glimpses into how the UN's initiatives, in partnership with the government, concretely improved the lives of Indonesians across the nation, from Sabang to Merauke.
The report gives a thorough picture of projects by 30 UN entities in Indonesia. These initiatives, infused with the spirit of "Leave No One Behind", encapsulate the UN's relentless commitment to inclusivity and equitable progress.
“Our 2022 Country Results Report illustrates our work in action under the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework”, said Valerie Julliand, the UN Resident Coordinator in Indonesia. “Each of our work in action, together with partners, offered a reminder of the creativity, resilience, and compassion of Indonesian people that is reflected in the stories featured throughout this report.”
The interactive format provides readers with the convenience of perusing the report across both their mobile and desktop screens.
Explore the comprehensive e-Report here.