UN in Indonesia Newsletter July 2021

The epidemic of violence against women is a key driver behind the UNFPA in Indonesia’s publication this month of a report on bodily autonomy around the world. The landmark State of World Population (SWOP) Report 2021 advocates for the power and agency of every woman and girl to make choices about their own body without fear of violence or having someone else decide for them.
The brief on UNFPA’s report is just one story in our July newsletter that illustrates the importance of responding directly to the needs of the communities we serve. In Indonesia, the UN System continues to work to protect and empower people who are among society’s most vulnerable and marginalised, ensuring they are also included in the COVID-19 response. Featured stories from UNDP, UNICEF, IOM, ILO, UNESCO, UNFPA, and Pulse Lab.
Download your copy today. Available in English and Bahasa Indonesia.