UN in Indonesia Newsletter Volume 1 2022

Welcome to the first UN in Indonesia newsletter of 2022!
To kick off this edition, thank you for all your comments in response to the survey we distributed in February. This refreshed version of our newsletter incorporates your feedback and embodies our shared commitment to transparency and accountability.
Over the past two years, our editorial team has brought you the latest updates on UN programmes and UN work with the Government across Indonesia. However, the resurgent COVID-19 crisis meant that the UN’s response and recovery efforts were often at the forefront of our monthly correspondence. This year, we want to give a more comprehensive view of the UN’s activities by bringing you closer to the people we serve on the ground. That means examining the socio-economic fallout from COVID-19 in detail. It means a reinvigorated focus on the SDGs. And it means bringing you more stories from the field.
In 2022, each newsletter will highlight an SDG of the Month, with data related to its achievement. Each edition will also introduce the names, faces, and voices at the heart of our work. This month, we bring you the story of young graduate Andrew Japri, who organised twelve-hour convoys from Jakarta to East Java to deliver Personal Protective Equipment to hundreds of midwives.
Finally, we want to hear more from you: our editorial team has added a column for you to pitch articles, blogs, and photo stories for each month.
Thank you, and happy reading!