Press Release

Marves, UN in Indonesia, International Partners Review Progress of Blue Agenda Partnership

18 December 2023


Caption: From left to right: Erin Nicholson, Acting Mission Director of USAID Indonesia; Valerie Djulian, UN Resident Coordinator in Indonesia; M Firman Hidayat, Deputy for Coordination of Maritime Resources of the Menko Marves; Vivi Yulaswati, Deputy for Maritime and Natural Resources of Bappenas; and Agus Dermawan, Senior Expert in Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Management of the Directorate General of Marine and Spatial Management of the MMAF, during the opening of the National Blue Agenda Partnership Evaluation meeting in Jakarta.

JAKARTA - The National Blue Agenda Actions Partnership (NBAAP), which was launched a year ago on the margins of the G20 Summit in Bali, supports Indonesia's ambitious Blue Agenda. In a meeting last week, representatives of the partnership, representing eight UN agencies, 8 Indonesian ministries and 12 international development partners, including the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), met to review progress to date. 

During its first year of existence, the NBAAP achieved some important results, such as designing and launching sustainable ocean projects in support of Indonesia’s National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN), improving coordination and enhancing complementarity of projects supporting ocean development. 

As an example, some projects focused on increasing access to export markets for small scale fisheries thanks to the implementation of good practices; improving working conditions of fishers thanks to strengthened labour inspections; and innovative financing for dealing with plastic debris.

The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Marves), which leads the initiative, UN in Indonesia and international development partners reviewed progress made and discussed priorities for 2024. They also discussed the gap analysis undertaken this year to identify through comprehensive mapping areas that still need to be strengthened under RPMJN and under Indonesia’s international commitments.

Caption: Seorang nelayan rumput laut di Lasepang Bantaeng, Sulawesi Selatan sedang memanen hasil rumput lautnya. Ia bersama jutaan nelayan dan komunitas pesisir lainnya di Indonesia merupakan penerima manfaat dari Kemitraan Nasional Agenda Baru.

Recognizing the need for diverse voices and an increased membership under NBAAP, participants at the review meeting called on research institutions, academia, NGOs, and the private sector to join the partnership.

Participants at the meeting launched the NBAAP Data and      Information Center and discussed the establishment of a comprehensive framework for monitoring and evaluation of all projects in order to track progress.

“Today’s meeting marked a pivotal moment, demonstrating our joint, unwavering commitment to collaborative action for a sustainable ocean future,” said Firman Hidayat, Deputy Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment. “With a clear vision, focused plans, and a commitment to continuous improvement, the NBAAP is poised to strengthen the synergy and coordination to make a significant impact on the health and well-being of Indonesia's precious marine environment and the communities that rely on it.”

Valerie Julliand, Resident Coordinator of the UN in Indonesia said: “Under this partnership, UN agencies in Indonesia are committed to provide complementary expertise and resources to help Indonesia achieve its ambitious goals: develop a sustainable ocean-based economy, providing livelihoods while safeguarding the ocean for future generations .”

"The United States believes the National Blue Agenda Action Partnership (NBAAP) will play a crucial role in consolidating the efforts of the government and development partners," said Erin Nicholson, acting Mission Director of USAID Indonesia. “I hope today’s meeting will reinvigorate our strategic cooperation to develop Indonesia’s maritime resources in a sustainable, inclusive, and just manner.”

Caption: Andreas Hutahean, a staff member of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, presenting the progress of the National Blue Agenda Partnership.

The NBAAP Steering Committee, which includes Marves, the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, the United Nations in Indonesia, and USAID is expected to discuss the 2024 annual work plan early next year.


Siska Widyawati

National Information Officer

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