Cover of the United Nations in the World Water Forum 2024

The United Nations at The World Water Forum 2024


Banner World Water Forum 2024 - Press Releases

As the world grapples with the escalating demand for clean water amidst booming population and industrial growth, the need for sustainable water resource management has never been more critical. 

Indonesia is set to host the 10th World Water Forum in Bali on 18-25 May 2024 in partnership with the World Water Council (WWC). The theme of the forum will be “Water for Shared Prosperity", presenting a critical opportunity to unite the nations in the pursuit of efficient and integrated strategies that ensure water prosperity for all.

At the World Water Forum, leaders, experts, scholars, entrepreneurs, and policymakers will gather to share insights, experiences, and best practices on a spectrum of water-related topics. 

The United Nations, playing a pivotal role in global advocacy, will be present, bringing its experts to conduct discussions needed to mobilize collective action and foster international cooperation. Our involvement underscores the importance of multi-stakeholder dialogue to address water, sanitation challenges, and sustainable development goals.



As the world grapples with the escalating demand for clean water amidst booming population and industrial growth, the need for sustainable water resource management has never been more critical. 

Indonesia is set to host the 10th World Water Forum in Bali on 18-25 May 2024 in partnership with the World Water Council (WWC). The theme of the forum will be “Water for Shared Prosperity", presenting a critical opportunity to unite the nations in the pursuit of efficient and integrated strategies that ensure water prosperity for all.

At the World Water Forum, leaders, experts, scholars, entrepreneurs, and policymakers will gather to share insights, experiences, and best practices on a spectrum of water-related topics. 

The United Nations, playing a pivotal role in global advocacy, will be present, bringing its experts to conduct discussions needed to mobilize collective action and foster international cooperation. Our involvement underscores the importance of multi-stakeholder dialogue to address water, sanitation challenges, and sustainable development goals.

The following UN organizations will be present at the Forum

  • United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations

  • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

  • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

  • United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)

  • United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

  • World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

The participating United Nations' agencies in the World Water Forum 2024


Media Background Briefing - Jakarta

Watch the recorded session of the media background briefing:

Date/Time: Thursday, 16 May 2024, 9.30-11.30 WIB (GMT+7)
Location: Papua Room, Menara Thamrin, Jakarta
Speakers: Include Dr. Medrilzam from Bappenas, Siti Rachmania from UNESCO, Maraita Listyasari from UNICEF, and Ansye Sopacua from UNDP.

Press Conference - Bali

A press conference will be held by the UN on
Date/Time: Tuesday, 21 May 2024, at 12:45-13:45 (GMT+8)
Location: Media Center of World Water Forum 2024 Venue, Bali
Speakers: Representatives of all participating UN Agencies. (ESCAP, FAO, UNEP, UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNIDO, WMO)

For further press queries, please contact: Siska Widyawati, National Information Officer of the UN Information Centre (UNIC) Indonesia, 

The United Nations' Session in the World Water Forum 2024

Here is the list of the events the United Nations will be conducting at the World Water Forum 2024:

UN x WWF 2024 Day Banner 0
Session Title UN Agency Time (UTC+8)
The 23rd Meeting of the High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP), (with WMO Secretary-General Celeste Saulo) WMO 10.00-17.00

UN x WWF 2024 Day Banner 1

Session Title UN Agency Time (UTC+8)
High-Level Panel "Status of Early Warning for All (EW4All) initiative" WMO 13.00-14.30
Special Session “National Water Roadmaps towards the 2030 Agenda” FAO 14.50-16.20
(T3E1) Early Warnings for All (EW4All): Learning from transversal cases WMO 16.40-18.10
SS10: United Nations World Water Development Report 2024: Water for Prosperity and Peace (WWC x UNESCO) UNESCO TBC

UN x WWF 2024 Day Banner 2

Session Title UN Agency Time (UTC+8)
Road Map for Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment: From ecological status assessment to planetary blue health under Climate Change FAO 8.30-10.00
Side Event: Subak and Spice Routes - Local Wisdom Water Management UNESCO 8.30-10.00
Global South Cooperation: Bandung Spirit Water Summit - A new political corridor to achieve SDGs through water WMO 08.30-18.10
Technologies, financing, stakeholders, and regional cooperation for drought prevention and management FAO 10.20-11.50
Water Information System FAO, UNESCO 10.20-11.50
Best practices and drought management planning including drought impact mitigation FAO 13.00-14.30
WWAP Methodologies to Integrate Gender into Water Resources Management UNESCO 13.00-14.30
Water Cooperation and Peace in South America UNESCO 13.50-15.20
Transforming and upscaling data into information for science and digital-based decision FAO 14.50-16.20
Bandung spirit side event: High-level Panel “Water and Sanitation for All” UNICEF Whole day

UN x WWF 2024 Day Banner 3

Session Title UN Agency Time (UTC+8)
Legal, institutional and policy pathways for strengthening water governance in the face of contemporary challenges FAO 8.30-10.00
Ethical water futures: Advancing Social Justice and Inclusion Through Rights-Based Water Management UNESCO 8.30-10.00
(T3E2) Accelerating Innovation in Early Warning Systems: A Call to Action across All Pillars WMO 08.30 - 10.00
High-Level Panel “Worldwide Observatory for Non-Conventional Water Resources & Renewable Energy FAO 10.20-11.50
SE9: UNESCO & i-WSSM Cooperation: Integrated Urban Water Management and Gender Equality for Water Security UNESCO 13.50-15.20
Implementing circular water and resource management for food security and resilient cities FAO 14.50-16.20
Harnessing Open Science Tools and Innovations for Africa's Water Security UNESCO 14.50-16.20
Sub-regional Synthesis Session on Water Scarcity FAO 16.40-18.10
Climate-resilient WASH: Leading adaptation in the social sectors UNICEF 16.40-18.10
‘Towards the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation 2025: Cooperation, Governance, and Priority-setting for Climate Action and Resilience-building to Glacial Melt in Asia’ UN ESCAP 16.40 – 18.10
Water Cooperation and Peace in South America UNESCO TBC

UN x WWF 2024 Day Banner 4

Session Title UN Agency Time (UTC+8)
Successful Water and Ecosystem Management Through Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK) UNESCO 8.30-10.00
Improving emergency response in water-related disasters UNICEF 8.30-10.00
(T3E3) Improving emergency response in water-related disasters WMO 8.30-10.00
"Access to Clean Water and the Business and Human Rights Agenda in Asia” in collaboration with Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment" UNDP 10.00-12.00
What goes around comes around: Applying a circular lens to water policies FAO 10.20-11.50
Regional Process Synthesis Session (Asia-Pacific) UN ESCAP 10.20–11.50
Access to sanitation and hygiene for all at the household level, in schools, and in healthcare facilities with specific attention to the poor and the vulnerable people UNICEF 10.20-11.50
Revitalization of existing irrigated areas to be water-wise and climate-smart FAO 13.00-14.30
Youth and Water: Youth-led Action Today for Tomorrow UNDP 13.00-13.45
⁠Seminar on Indonesia WEF Security Nexus Framework: From Nexus Thinking towards Nexus Doing UNDP 13.00-14.30

UN x WWF 2024 Day Banner 4

Session Title UN Agency Time (UTC+8)
Synthesis Session: Upscaling of water information systems FAO 8.30-10.00
Synthesis Session - Water Sanitation And Hygiene (Wash) For All UNICEF 8.30-10.00
Synthesis Session: Integrated Water Resources Management and cross-cutting, cross-sectoral approaches FAO 10.20-11.50
T3 Synthesis Process [ (T3SS) Synthesis Session for Subtheme-3 "Disaster Risk Reduction and Management") WMO 10.20-11.50
Synthesis Session: Enhanced cross-sectoral dialogue and cooperation FAO 13.00-14.30
Cross-cutting session: Water-related disaster risk reduction under climate change towards transforming to a resilient, sustainable, and inclusive society FAO 13.00-14.30
Side Event “Mother Forest: Forests as the Roots of the Food, Energy, Water (FEW) Nexus” with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry UNIDO 13.00-14.30
Side Event: Improving water management decisions in Africa through Earth Observation data FAO 16.40-18.00


UN at WWF 2024 Main Site Links Banner

Main site | Registration link | Live streaming

Photo Gallery | Video Gallery | Exhibition

e-book | Sponsorship | Side Events

UN at WWF Media Contacts Banner

The 10th World Water Forum Media Registration
Phone: +6282198918577 (WhatsApp message only)

The 10th World Water Forum Secretariat

United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) Media Contact

World Water Forum Maps from year to year

Caption: World Water Forum Maps of the cities from year to year.


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