The UN in Indonesia and the Government of Indonesia Launched the 2021 Country Results Report on Sustainable Development Goals’ 5 Pillars: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership
28 June 2022
Inspired by the pattern of the Ulap Doyo Kalimantan woven cloth, the design of the UN in Indonesia 2021 Country Results Report symbolizes the closeness and synergy between UN agencies, the Government of Indonesia, and the Indonesian public.
Jakarta, 28 June 2022 - As Indonesia navigated one of the world’s severest COVID-19 outbreaks in 2021, the UN worked with the government to bring 87 million vaccination doses to the country through the international COVAX mechanism, trained more than 180,000 Indonesian health workers, and formed a dedicated task force to coordinate responses to oxygen scarcity issues at the height of the pandemic.
These are just three of thousands of UN and Indonesian Government results and interventions detailed in the UN in Indonesia Country Results Report 2021, which UN Resident Coordinator in Indonesia Valerie Julliand officially presented to BAPPENAS’ Deputy Minister for Development Funding Scenaider C.H. Siahaan and Secretary for the Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS, Taufik Hanafi on June 28, 2022. Officially launched at the annual BAPPENAS–UN Forum 2022, the 2021 results report breaks down the achievements of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2021–2025 (UNDSCF) in its first year of implementation and details the ways in which the UN and the government worked to bring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through a year that posed unprecedented challenges.
UN Resident Coordinator in Indonesia Valerie Julliand said the results report is a testament to the way the UN and the Government came together to navigate those challenges. “Now, we must redouble our efforts if we are to remain true to our promise to leave no one behind and achieve the SDGs by 2030,” the Resident Coordinator said. “This report serves as a record of our extraordinary achievements in 2021. I trust that it will also galvanize us for the tough road ahead.”
Secretary for the Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS, Taufik Hanafi, on behalf of Minister Suharso Monoarfa said, “The Government of Indonesia has been engaged in effective partnerships with UN Bodies in Indonesia through various supports, collaborations, and mobilization of resources to support the achievement of national development priorities in the past decades. Going forward, the Government of Indonesia will continuously advancing innovative financing for Sustainable Development Goals and strengthening data analysis, technology, youth empowerement and digitalisation.”
Established in 2014, the annual BAPPENAS–UN forum is the main platform for strategic dialogue between the Government of Indonesia and the United Nations. This year, the forum brings together 300 participants from the UN in Indonesia and BAPPENAS,representatives from Indonesia’s line Ministries and other stakeholders, including private sector and civil society partners.
The UN in Indonesia’s 2021 Country Results Report structure aligns with the four strategic priorities of the UNSDCF. Below are a several notable results under each of the UNSDCF’s four outcome areas in 2021.
Outcome 1: Inclusive Human Development (People, Peace)
- 35.89 million people indirectly benefitted from UN support to strengthen social protection programmes
- 3,304,800 children received unconditional child benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 183,477 health workers received training on surveillance, rapid response, mental health, and psychosocial support in relation to the detection, referral, and management of COVID-19 cases
- More than 13 million people were reached through three UN programmes designed to promote human security-based approaches to preventing violent extremism.
Outcome 2: Economic Transformation (Prosperity)
- 204 MSMEs in areas affected by earthquakes, tsunamis and COVID-19 received disaster recovery and resilience assistance
- 310,564 fisheries workers benefitted from improved governance of fisheries commodities production on land and at sea
- 78 million informal workers stand to benefit from an UN-supported scale-up of occupational health services for workers in the informal sector
- 130 Trade Unions across the palm oil sector benefitted from capacity building to effectively advocate for their members’ rights
Outcome 3: Green Development, Climate Change & Natural Disasters (Planet)
- 569,374 people living in rural areas accessed electricity generated from renewable sources through the UN’s MTRE3 project
- 44,490 hectares of land are now under UN-supported non-forest area protection government, which entails the mitigation of more than 16 million tons of CO2 emissions
- Six villages implemented a new disaster risk reduction strategy that focuses on 12 tsunami-ready indicators
Outcome 4: Innovation to Accelerate Progress Towards the SDGs (Partnership)
- Some US$1.68 billion was mobilized via the ASSIST Joint Programme towards financing the SDGs through an innovative mix of public and private financing
- All 34 of Indonesia’s provinces are now using UN-supported digital platforms to monitor and manage vaccination administration.
Editor's note:
Visit the following link to download the United Nations Annual Report – Indonesia 2021: