Speech 22 May 2021 Message by António Guterres to the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers
Speech 21 May 2021 Message by António Guterres on the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
Speech 19 May 2021 Kata Sambutan untuk Segmen Dewan Ekonomi dan Sosial (ECOSOC) Tentang Kegiatan Operasional untuk Pembangunan: Penyajian Laporan dan Visi Keberlanjutan Reformasi PBB dan Penerapan QCPR 2020 di Masa Krisis
Speech 19 May 2021 Remarks to ECOSOC Segment on Operational Activities for Development: Presentation of Report and Vision for the Continuation of UN Reform and the Implementation of the 2020 QCPR in Times of Crisis
Speech 14 May 2021 Message by António Guterres on the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day