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Wild for Life allows you to find your kindred species out of a number of endangered and threatened animals and plants, including those present in the Leuser.
Wild for Life membantu anda menemukan spesies yang dekat dengan kehidupan anda dari sejumlah hewan dan tumbuhan yang langka dan terancam.
WFP, FAO and UN Women COVID-19 joint Bulletin provides a comprehensive overview of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on the economy, food security and
Global economic recovery remains precarious, rebound of 4.7% to barely offset 2020 losses
This monthly update aims to provide brief progress and result updates of the implementation of the Joint SDG Fund and the COVID-19 MPTF to donor governments
The COVID-19 pandemic remains persistent in reflecting inequalities among and within countries, adversely impacting countries including Indonesia.
Racism and racial inequality still permeate institutions, social structures and everyday life.